Tuesday 8 May 2012

A Green and Pleasant Land

Apple blossom
The April (and May) showers (torrential rainfall) have meant that the garden is flourishing at the moment. 

The time of year means that much of the colour in the garden comes from bulbs and blossoms.  Tulips look great in the containers on the patio outside the back door, while the more mature apple and crabapple trees have beautiful pink or white blossoms.

These subtle spring pastels are set off by the abundance of green across the garden and surrounding countryside.

Pink tulips and yellow stocksWhile these delicate blooms and icons of new growth take centre stage, the plants that will come into their own during the summer are waiting in the wings - well, the nursery area - ready for their leading roles at Stone House Open Garden 2012

Visit Flickr for more photos of Stone House in spring.